Valuable Amazing Pictures

Monday, October 27, 2008

Really Amazing



A tree in the posture of Islamic prayer In the forest near Sidney the bottom half of a tree trunkis bowed in such a way that it resemble a person in aposture of Islamic prayer, the ruku. Looking closer wesee the 'hand of the tree man are resting on his knees.The most amazing thing is that the tree man is directlyfacing the Holy place in Mecca ' Kaaba ' which is thedirection Muslims face when performing their dailyprayers. Isn't it amazing?

Picture of a worshipper in Masjid An-Nabvi who passed away while in Sajda during Prayer – Allahu Akbar – What a beautiful end!!!!

Allah written on a Tomato

Bis'm-illah written on a Walnut

Allah written in human ear

Allah written on a Plant

Allah written by the Bees

ALLAH'S name written in the Oceans (Picture from Apolo 11 Shuttle)