
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pixel art, where images are created and edited at the pixel level, seems to be the trademark for old-school computer games rather than the sophisticated visual graphics of contemporary games. Thanks to advanced technology, the simplicity of pixelated images that was prominent during the early days of computer technology may be irrelevant to most of us today where sharper graphics can be created. Still, others may be jaded by all the complex graphics we take for granted today and instead adore the retro feel that pixel art brings.For starters, pixel art are typically categorized into isometric and non-isometric type. Isometric pixel art is created in a near-isometric dimetric projection (i.e. about 30 degrees angle from horizontal), as seen in some old games where they provide a 3D view of scenes. Non-isometric pixel art refers to those that are not isometric, for example, views from top, side, front, bottom or perspective views.

Creative Isometric Pixel Art:
Isometric Pixel Art:

Boxed Town 2
via Howling

The Ultimate Maze
via Xluluhimex

Don’t Forget To Fix Your Polaroids
via Pixellent

Medieval Castle
via Docdoom

City Work
via Pandaemas

Fast Pixel Food
via Jujuqui

via Ajiebash

Coke Studios Moscow
via Polyfonken

Coke Studios Goa

Coke Studios