Future Weapons of Mass Destruction

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Metal Storm - Future Weapons Breakthrough Technology - 1 million rounds per minute!

The British Accuracy International AS50 BMG Sniper Rifle

The XM-307 Advanced Crew Served Weapon - ACSW

The OICW - Objective Individual Combat Weapon - the M-29

NLOS Cannon - NLOS-C - The New Artillery of the FCS Future Combat Systems

The Objective Individual Combat Weapon (OICW) will be the most versatile weapon ever. It can kill targets hidden around corners or dug in half a mile away. The OICW will leave no place for the enemy to hide with its incredible firepower. As you can see in the picture above the rifle is modular which allows for easy cleaning and maintenance.

The OICW has some convincing to do before it comes into full scale production.

For observers encountering OICW for the first time, there is also the question of sticker shock. If the demonstration project is successful over the next

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Manufacturer: Cornershot Holdings LLC

Innovative weapons designs are typically developed to serve problem areas highlighted during the heat of battle. The Israeli military, through their extensive experience with urban combat and counter terrorism operations, developed an idea to provide the war fighter with an exceptional first-strike capability. Which brings us to a recently revealed design from the Israeli firm whose corporation is the rifles namesake, The Cornershot. With a camera mounted on the nose of a swiveling barrel of an assault pistol, a soldier wielding this rifle can get a first look into a dangerous situation and…

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